HSR – Sam and Firefly’s Costume V1.0

HSR - Sam and Firefly's Costume V1.0

This is my third MOD, adding Firefly and SAM from Honkai: Star Rail as costume and spacesuit to the game!
The added costume and spacesuit are independent equipment, and do not replace the original items.
I set SAM’s costume as a spacesuit, so that you can wear Firefly and SAM’s costumes at the same time, talk about immersion!
But because I’m lazy, I did not add the spacesuit version of Firefly and the costume version of SAM.

How to get it
Both can be crafted at the Chem workbench
Firefly’s costume require 1 Iron
SAM’s spacesuit (Fyrefly Type-IV Strategic Assault Mech) require 1 Zero Wire

It is recommended to use MO2 to install



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File File size
zip HSR Sam and Firefly-1-0 11 MB
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