The Wanderer of the Starfield Suit -Constellation Spacesuit Replacer V1.0

The Wanderer of the Starfield Suit -Constellation Spacesuit Replacer V1.0

Replace the constellation spacesuit with a more wanderer-like suit in the picture.(Both male and female version available now)
Just the meshes files, if you want exactly what the pictures show you will need to install other texture and geometries files from other mods.
Still WIP and has several known issues.
See the description below

This is a spacesuit replacer mod inspired by the mod Sleek suits (Mantis antixeno Replacer and poncho) made by Sadarum and the mod Wanderer Spacesuit – A Space-Cowboy Style Spacesuit Replacer made by HAWK6155.
I am always tired by how heavy and clumsy all the spacesuits look like in Starfield. It is surely no better or worse about the spacesuit design, but it is not so bad to have another option.
Fortunately I have found these mods above that make what I want come true. Not only do they look cool but also show me how to make clothing mods. Now I can make outfit mods to my taste and maybe share them to those who have the same taste with me.

This mod replace the constellation spacesuit with a more wanderer-like suit in the picture.

I am still a newbie to mod making and cannot make texture files. In this mod I use several texture files from other authors amazing works.
So this mod will just contains the meshes files .If you want exactly what the pictures show you will need to install other texture and geometries files from other mods I list in INSTALLATION below.

And if you are one of the authors of these mods and is unpleasant about my usage of your work in this mod, please contact me and I will delete this mod as soon as possible.

■Put the Data folders of this mod inside Documents\My Games\Starfield

■add these lines to StarfieldCustom.ini in Documents\My Games\Starfield

■Download files from other authors’ works to be exactly the same look in the pictures
Drop the texture or geometries files in Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data.
Follow the installation guide of these mods if you don’t know how to do.

Black Freestar Ranger Outfits
For trenchcoat texture
Delgado of Mandalore
For upperbody texture
Starborn helmet with wings
For the wings on the helmet

In the game, put on all the pieces of the constellation suit(helmet, spacesuit and boostback) to get the exact look in the picture.

Also, you can make your own combination by keeping some pieces of this suit and putting on other spacesuits.
May have clipping or other weird issues since it is not intended, but feel free to try out and any share of your combination will be highly appreciated.

Here is the pieces of constellation suit and what part they are replaced in this mod.

Constellation Helmet → the helmet part
Constellation Spacesuit → the upperbody and the lowerbody part, the backpack part
Constellation Boostpack → the trenchcoat part

(2023/10/15)Female version available now. Check it out!
Since I don’t have female character I only did a rough test by changing my character’s gender temporarily to see if the suit shows out properly and it seems fine.
If more issues come out, feel free to post it here and it will be very appreciated.

②Only the default bodyshape will work properly. Other body shape will cause clipping.
It seems that the morphs files doesn’t seem to work properly.
I am new to modding and don’t know how to fix the problem right now. A little advice will be very helpful :–)

③All the contstellation spacesuit will be replaced in the game, which means your male friends in Constellation will have the same spacesuit as yours.
Not exactly an issue in my opinion and cannot be solved right now without official modding kit, but may have influence on the experience of those who want their character to be unique. In that case I suggest giving your male companion another spacesuit to equip.



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