Better Backward Movement V2.0.3

Better Backward Movement

Backward and lateral movements are now much slower than moving forward. But you can now sprint in any direction you want.

1. Features

This mod reduces backward and lateral movement speed to make it feel more realistic. However, it also introduces a new functionality enabling you to sprint in those directions: you now have options to quickly side-step or backpedal in combat, greatly enhancing player agency as well as immersion.

This feature comes at the cost of oxygen and a small window of vulnerability, giving a slight chance to be disarmed by incoming attacks: side-stepping or backpedaling quickly are exhausting and risky actions. The speed and the oxygen cost are scaled with the rank of gymnastics and fitness perk.

2. Details

Your backward movements are about 1/3 slower than vanilla and lateral about 1/2 (This applies only to run speed, the standard movement type. However, walking speeds are increased by about 50% compared to vanilla).

Pressing the sprint key while moving in any direction now makes you sprint in that direction. While it doesn’t include a sprint animation (it’s implemented with an instant speed buff), the transition is smooth enough that it feels like a proper sprint. The sprint speed can be increased to a degree that reasonably exceeds the vanilla run speed.

In Version 2.0, sprinting now includes a pretty noticeable acceleration at the start. I’ve implemented this feature in a safe and bug-free manner, so feel free to try it.

The way this feature is implemented requires you to hold the sprint key. Though it is not impossible to make it toggleable, I couldn’t play the game without this mod, so I don’t feel like doing that. I highly recommend installing it if you haven’t already.

3. Compatibility

The mod is very lightweight and doesn’t modify vanilla records except for the movement type record. That means the only incompatible sort of mods is like this one. But the incompatibility is trivial in the sense that only the tweaks regarding run speed are affected. Further, my mod already contains changes similar to those of that mod, the only major difference being a substantial nerf in the backward and lateral run speed. Other than this, there will be no incompatible mods.

4. Recommended Mods
Cassiopeia Papyrus Extender – Hard Requirement

Baka Hold to Sprint

While technically not required, it is practically mandatory to have a consistent experience.

I’ve fine-tuned movement speeds for a smoother third-person experience—less restrictive default speeds and slightly slower sprints, which some first-person players may also prefer. Feel free to try and see which you like (perfectly safe to alternate).

Version 2.0.2
Added a safeguard to be safely uninstalled mid-save. Also, archived the script files that I had forgotten to do.



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