No Money No Burden V1.0

No Money No Burden V1.0

The sell-to-merchant value of all items is reduced to zero. Only pick up what you find useful. The implications of this are far reaching: the game gets significantly more difficult, much less time spent in inventory or looting, credit rewards from missions become very valuable, ammunition and med packs become scarce. No money, no burden.

1. Unzip the contents of the mod download (two text files) into the same folder that your Starfield.exe is located in
2. In your Starfield.ini in the very same folder add this line under the [General] section: sStartingConsoleCommand=bat NoMoneyNoBurdenBatch
3. Optional/just in case: Add sStartingConsoleCommand=bat NoMoneyNoBurdenBatch also to the [General] section of your StarfieldCustom.ini (usually found under User/UserName/Documents/MyGames/Starfield, at least in case of a Steam install on a Windows 11 system)

How it is done
The mod calls a batch file (.txt) at start of game, which in turn refers to settings file (.txt) that sets all sell-to-merchant values to zero with the command “setgs fVendorSellPriceMult 0.0”.



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File File size
zip No Money No Burden-1-0 405 B
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