Craftable Ship Tools V0.001

Craftable Ship Tools V0.001

NO MORE CONSOLE BAT FILES ! Craftable inventory activators that will hack/steal nearly any ship, call your home ship to you, teleport to your homeship, open homeship inventory, clear inconvenient corpses.

Craft any or all of the activators at an Industrial workbench with 1 [ Fe ] Iron each.

(1) Ship Tools Menu: pops a menu to call any of the other functions directly. The player automatically gets this activator item when the mod starts up (but a new game start clears player inventory). If you are happy to use the menu you don’t need any of the other activators. Coming in 002: Option to enable/disable crafting of the other activators to save workbench menu clutter.

(2) Ship Tools Open homeship cargo: access homeship cargo inventory from anywhere in the universe. The ability to transfer items will depend on console [ SetGS fMaxShipTransferDistance value ] which defaults to 250 meters.

(3) Ship Tools Teleport to homeship: moves the player to the homeship main cabin from anywhere in the universe.

(4) Ship Tools Call homeship: plants a marker, once the player is more than 20m from it for safety it will call the homeship. If the homeship is 3d loaded the takeoff animation plays, then landing.

(5) Ship Tools Hack: Use within 5 meters of an [ Inaccessible ] or [ Locked ] door, ladder or pilot seat and it will make it accessible. Some ships are just static models so cant be hacked. Also sets ship registration to save some caps. Increase your stable space with console [ SetGS uSpaceshipMaximumOwnedSpaceships value ] which defaults to 10.

(6) Ship Tools Clear corpses: (coming in 002) Finds human corpses within 25m of the player, opens each inventory to check for loot then removes them. Use after those messy ship takeovers, or infact anywhere including outposts.

Tool activators are actually potions which live in AID inventory.

Tool activators regeneratate after each use, so each crafting recipe is only shown if there are none in player inventory.

Assign activators to favorites for quick access.

Console and Hotkeys

If you don’t want more immersive crap in your inventory and prefer to use console commands, BAT files or hotkeys, no problem. Call a global proxy function WITHOUT the ;; semicolon description:

CallGlobalFunction “SKK_ShipToolsQuestScript.GlobalProxy” 1 ;; open menu
CallGlobalFunction “SKK_ShipToolsQuestScript.GlobalProxy” 2 ;; open homeship cargo
CallGlobalFunction “SKK_ShipToolsQuestScript.GlobalProxy” 3 ;; teleport to homeship
CallGlobalFunction “SKK_ShipToolsQuestScript.GlobalProxy” 4 ;; call homeship
CallGlobalFunction “SKK_ShipToolsQuestScript.GlobalProxy” 5 ;; hack ship
CallGlobalFunction “SKK_ShipToolsQuestScript.GlobalProxy” 6 ;; clear corpses

Note: as the Starfield console does not support GlobalVariable or Quest names any more the FormIDs have to be found. That’s 100% shite regression for console and batch management, making the CallQuestFunction totally useless. Which is why this includes a CallGlobalFunction script proxy to try and patch that nonsense. Truely a first world issue.


This does not depend on anything at all (like script extenders) except your ability to follow instructions.

(1) Extract SKKShipTools.esm and the \Scripts folder from the download archive to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data or wherever starfield.exe lives …\Data folder.

(2) Yes the loose scripts folder can be confusing so pop a Ritalin and pay attention. Check you have C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data\Scripts\SKK_ShipToolsQuestScript.pex (in total 6 SKK_ShipTools*.pex files).

If you have buggered about with non standard folder paths then “wherever starfield.exe lives …\Data\Scripts folder” is the best guidance your going to get. If you can’t work with that then you shouldn’t be really buggering around should you ?

(3) Edit C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Games\Starfield\StarfieldCustom.ini to include the following sections and entries:



If you already have sTestFile1 in use, no problem you can have up to 10 of them from sTestFile1=FileName to sTestFile10=FileName. BUT with only 10 to fill you will clearly need to choose wisely.

If you are using a Plugins.txt enabler mod thats for you to figure out, I just work with the base game ingredients.

[ Download with manager ] is enabled on the file but I have no idea if any mod managers can actually handle these file and INI tasks because I dont use ’em, let us know in the comments.


(1) This is 100% new forms and scripts. As it does not modify any base game content at all, the likelyhood of it conflicting with anything in game should be close to zero. If you have issues, best start with the stuff that does hack the game.

(2) It uses new Papyrus script functions that have been proven in SKK Global Script with zero operating issues. Yes you can use this along with any other SKK solution because those new scripts have been created to never conflict.

(3) Installing mods disables achievements.

(4) Some mods that hack the UI apparently stop inventory screens being activated or displayed including No Lockpick Activate. That is not a “conflict”, its just you installing stuff that breaks base game mechanics.

Known Issues

(1) Using the Ship Tools activator items direct from aid inventory can sometimes (0.01%) freeze the game, if it does please post the incident as that may need to be blocked. It is best to favourite the item to call from a key.

(2) Do not rename the .ESM file. The scripts use GetFormFromFile() lookups on fixed file names rather than script properties until Creation Kit releases.

(3) The Papyrus scripts produce debug log output to help investigate any issues, if you want to look at the logs enable the Papyrus Debug.Trace log.

(4) Before you throw a fit about ESM mod files because muh mhassive ESL flag limits, best educate yourself on the actual Starfield file format issues: The Case for Exclusively Supporting .esm Files in Starfield



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