More Books V1.0.1

More Books V1.0.1

Finally less Dickens! I’ve added almost thirty more books that can be found or bought.

I got tired of seeing so much Charles Dickens, or even so many of the same books over and over again. This was weird, especially given how many ruins are former laboratories, research sites, etc. Where were all the technical references, where was the variety in novels? This mod addresses that by adding in almost thirty new books. All of these books are real; I’ve just copied out the first page or so for you to get the flavour. So no original writing, sorry; I haven’t got the talent for it.

I’ll probably add more books later, but I won’t do requests. This is my first time building a mod, and was mostly done because I found the lack of scientific texts to be especially irksome.

This mod just handles the addition of new books. It doesn’t add any new cover art, and it definitely doesn’t contain a copy of ‘A Brief History of Time’.



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