Unity Framework V1.0.2

Unity Framework V1.0.2

A simple framework that allows mod authors to safely use the base game’s New Game Plus Manager.

It’s been over a year now, and I’ve noticed that many people were disappointed with how BGS handled scenarios and how they were implemented. I was even more disappointed when I looked under the hood and saw how many safety checks there were that cap the number of scenarios you can have. So, I decided to change a few things.

Restructure the New Game Plus script within the Quest Manager so that its properly compatible with modding.
As a result of the above modders have the ability to inject New Scenarios and create their own “Universe”.

How do I start using this mod?
If you’re using a mod that has this as a requirement, just install it! No configuration or special steps necessary. If you want to use this to create your own Scenario, see the articles tab and check the optional files for an example plugin.

Is this compatible with Shutdown Constellation and Trigger NG by SKK?

Long Answer: Yes its compatible with SKK Trigger NG but no because you won’t be able to choose mod added NG+ Scenarios and only the vanilla versions. Hopefully I can talk with SKK so that people can choose their own NG+ scenarios as well instead of relying on RNGesus

Where can I get mods that use this?
At the moment currently no mod exists :(. Beyond that, if a mod requires this framework, the author will likely tell people.

I don’t use anything that requires this mod, why should I bother with it?
I you don’t have any mods that requires it this is fine just do know that if you ever find a mod that add new Scenarios BGS made a soft cap limit which this mods removes. Also, if you install the example plugin, you can occasionally find a scenario with a special surprise.

Also Quick Overview of my framework in Action by Youtuber Richard Presents Starfield Essentials
PS: Head to 11 minute mark to see it if you don’t want to watch the full video 😉


Download mod

File File size
7z New Game Plus Framework-1-0-2 22 KB
7z Example Plugin-1-0 187 KB
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