Console Command Runner Updated V1.4.6

Console Command Runner Updated V1.3.1

Console Command Runner (Updated) is an SFSE plugin that automatically runs a list of console commands from user defined .toml files.

How to install

Install the Data folder.

You can do this manually.

If you have Baka Disable My Games Folder then place it to the game root and merge with existing Data there.
If you don’t have Baka Disable My Games Folder then place it to “Documents/My Games/Starfield” and merge with existing Data there.

You can use a mod-manager.

If you use Mod Organizer 2 then let the mod-manager handle this mod’s archive.
If you use Vortex then let the mod-manager handle this mod’s archive.

I can’t help you with your installation issues.
If you don’t get any “ConsoleCommandRunner.log” in your “Documents\My Games\Starfield\SFSE\Logs” – this is your installation issue.

How to use
– Create an uniquely named .toml file in your “Data\SFSE\Plugins\ConsoleCommandRunner” directory. Any number of .toml files can be read, you are not limited to a single file. This ensure compatibility with other mods.
– In this new .toml file you’ll want to create a layout that looks like this:

EventType = “DataLoaded”
Commands = [‘SetGS fZKeyMaxForce 90000’, ‘bat MyFile’, ‘bat “My File With Spaces”‘]

EventType = “OnMenuOpenCloseEvent”
asMenuName = “BSMissionMenu”
abOpening = true
Commands = [‘Player.RestoreAV StarPower 1000;CGF “Debug.Notification” “Player was powered”‘]

Each individual event is prefaced with the “[[Event]]” tag. Within the event the event type needs to be defined. If an event has any parameters those are listed. Then the actual commands to fire are listed. Any valid console command should work here. Commands should be encased in apostrophes (so quotes will also work for any command that takes a string parameter) and separated by commas.
And that’s it!

Valid event types

This event will run registered console commands when the game data is fully loaded (this happens in the main menu before you load your gameplay process). This happens only once so if you exit to the main menu the event will not fire again.
You can use this event to change things that persist across the whole game session with no changes including saves and characters switch. This means using “SetGS fZKeyMaxForce 90000” is nice but “005788.AddKeyword 1453AA” is useless (your changes will be ignored in your save load).

This event will run registered console commands when you open or close different menus. It has 2 options – menu name and open/close condition. For example asMenuName=”BSMissionMenu” with abOpening=true will fire when you open your missions menu where you track your tasks. All valid menus names are listed here (63 of them).
You can use this event to process some things when your player character is already in the game world and you can control them. Here you have access to persistent object references and CGF (CallGlobalFunction) console command.


Bobbyclue and Meridiano

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File File size
zip Console Command Runner-1-3-1 369 KB
zip Console Command Runner-1-4-6 375 KB
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