Perk Auto Level V1.1

Perk Auto Level V1.1

This mod will level up perk rank when player completes challenge for it.
No perk points used, thus player need perk points only to unlock first level of perk.

For the best experience, I reccomend a new game start, because if you have some challenges completed, mod won’t know about them and will not upgrade those perks, until you manually upgrade them, by spending perk points.

Since this mod relies on challenges, it will not work if there is any mod installed, which removes challenges.

Ultimate ASI Loader (XBox Game Pass/Steam) or Starfield Script Extender (SFSE) (Steam only)

Ultimate ASI Loader installation:
1. Download
2. Go to Starfield installation directory (where Starfield.exe is located).
3. Rename bink2w64.dll to bink2w64Hooked.dll
4. Put bink2w64.dll from downloaded archive to Starfield installation directory
5. Extract mod archieve into Starfield installation directory (where Starfield.exe is located).
6. Check that there is Plugins folder in Starfield installation directory and there is pal.asi file in it.

SFSE installation:
1. Install SFSE (if you don’t have it installed)
1. Extract mod archieve into Starfield installation directory (where Starfield.exe is located).
2. Check that there is Data\SFSE\Plugins folder in Starfield installation directory and there is pal.dll file in it.

If everything was installed correctly, then you’ll find pal_plugin.log in “My Documents\My Games\Starfield” (ASI) or “My Documents\My Games\Starfield\SFSE\Logs” (SFSE) folder, after game start.



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File File size
zip PAL_SFSE-1-1 24 KB
zip PAL_ASI-1-1 24 KB
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