Perk Points Per Level V1.5

Perk Points Per Level V1.5

This mod allows you to set amount of perk points gained per level (2 points by default). Per level perk points configurration available.

Ultimate ASI Loader (XBox Game Pass/Steam) or Starfield Script Extender (SFSE) (Steam only)

Ultimate ASI Loader installation:
1. Download
2. Go to Starfield installation directory (where Starfield.exe is located).
3. Rename bink2w64.dll to bink2w64Hooked.dll
4. Put bink2w64.dll from downloaded archive to Starfield installation directory
5. Extract mod archieve into Starfield installation directory (where Starfield.exe is located).
6. Check that there is Plugins folder in Starfield installation directory and there are pppl.asi and pppl_example.ini files in it.

SFSE installation:
1. Install SFSE (if you don’t have it installed)
1. Extract mod archieve into Starfield installation directory (where Starfield.exe is located).
2. Check that there is Data\SFSE\Plugins folder in Starfield installation directory and there are pppl.dll and pppl_example.ini files in it.

If you want to configure how many perk points player will gain on level up, go to Plugins (or Data\SFSE\Plugins) folder in Starfield installation directory and rename pppl_example.ini to pppl.ini. Then open pppl.ini with text editor of your choice (notepad, for example) and make changes there. Read comments in that file for configuration explanations.

If everything was installed correctly, then you’ll find pppl_plugin.log in “My Documents\My Games\Starfield” (ASI) or “My Documents\My Games\Starfield\SFSE\Logs” (SFSE) folder, after game start.
Mod will print perk points table up to level 400 in following format: level: gained perk points (total points for this level)

There are two presets in optional files download section:
1. Fast at start, slow at end – player will gain 3 perk points per level from level 2 to 30, then 2 perk points per level from 31 to 50, then 1 perk point from 51 to 100, then 1 perk points every 2 levels from 101 to 200, then 1 perk point every 3 levels from level 201
2. For use with my PerkAutoLevel mod – player will gain 2 perk points per level from level 2 to 10, then 1 perk point from level 11 to 50, then 1 perk points every 2 levels from 51 to 100, then 1 per point every 3 levels from 101 to 135, then will not gain any points. Thus, player will unlock half of all perks by level 34 and will unlock all perks by level 134.

Just put pppl.ini from downloaded preset into folder where pppl.asi/pppl.dll is.



Download mod

File File size
zip PPPL_ASI-1-5 123 KB
zip PPPL_SFSE-1-5 124 KB
zip For_use_with_pal-1-0 520 B
zip Fas_start_slow_end-1-0 469 B
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