– Adds 6 towers to the structures tab.
Cluttered, empty, and empty black.
Each one has switches next to the door that can toggle the shell and top deck.
They all snap to each other with connecting top decks and fence doors.
The stairs will block snapping if already built, but otherwise snap back to front. So build the front one first, or build a hab and then connect a tower to it to get it
to front snap.
– All 6 are navmeshed so crew and followers can use them now.
They may stand around sometimes. They like the top deck so I put animation markers up there and they seem to move more.
I tested all 6 with a few different companions and put crew stations all over and they pathed to them fine
They don’t like the fence doors for some reason and avoid them, I tried to force it without luck, but they’ll go through them into habs just fine which is strange.
They’ll eventually teleport if there’s a crew station and path around everywhere else just fine aside from a few hiccups on connected decks.
– Known Bugs:
– If built during weather effects like rain, it will show through the hab. Re loading the game will fix it.
– If lights don’t appear, re loading the game should fix it.
– Sometimes workbenches on or in the hab won’t work, or stop working. If anyone knows a fix please let me know.
– Uninstalling:
All towers built should be removed before uninstalling the mod or updating.
If you don’t, there’s a good chance the game will crash when you try to build at that outpost after uninstalling.
This is true for any mod that adds custom buildable objects to the game world.
– FAQ:
Q: Why is it so tall?
A: It’s a tower. Towers are tall.
Q: Elevator?
A: I haven’t figured out moving platforms for a buildable object yet. I saw a tutorial but so far it didn’t work for me in a packin cell.
Normal teleport doors in a buildable cell broke the mod so bad the CK didn’t recognize it as a file anymore.
But it would be really cool to add at some point.
Q: More decorated versions/colors?
A: I added new options in 2.5.
Q: Different habs?
A: No. I’ll add new stuff to my Better Habs mod though.
Q: Combine with my other mods?
A: My upcoming outpost mods will snap together.
Version 2.55
Made all the containers craftable and added a few things.
Version 2.5
Added snap behavior to the fences and top deck.
Improved lighting in habs, added exterior lights, and all light fixtures are switches that control them.
Added hab shell and top deck options controlled by switches next to the door.
Replaced crates in “cluttered” hab options to be containers, some can transfer. No or very high storage limit.
Added a few decorations.
Regular habs snap to the fence doors with spawning doors.
Various minor tweaks and improvements.
Version 2.0
Fixed navmesh issue. Crew and Companions should be able to use them now.
Added door versions.
Replaced the foundation with a custom fitting one.
Put bottom floor tiles facing the same way.
Replaced omni light with regular hab lighting. It bothered me how it could be seen from outside.
Replaced gate stairs with spawning airlock type stairs so you can build it tall if you want
Made the black hab the darker variant. It was a little bit green and I didn’t like it.
Removed all remaining clutter from empty versions.
Added a top deck to all of them.
Replaced the railings with covered versions on the empty versions.
Version 1.6
Fixed leaky roof. Replaced the missing collision boxes.
Version 1.5
Moved crates to fix clipping into fence. Added Stairs to fence gate. Fixed leaky airlock.