Horizon V1.10.3

Horizon V1.9 BETA

Horizon is a mod that adds a starstation which jumps around the universe at the push of a button, dropping the player into the middle of the unknown. Use each jump to your advantage. You can decorate the interior, call the station to come to you, use medical services, change your appearance with ENHANCE!, store things, start discovering what happened on board, and much more to be added.

An unpredictable jump drive that takes you to a random orbit each time you press the JUMP button.
[NEW in 1.9] Optional fuel mechanics: Fuel the station with at least 100 Helium-3 to keep it jumping (details below).
[NEW in 1.9] Access to parts of Habitation Level B including the Oxygen Garden and Mainframe.
[NEW in 1.9] Armory to store your favorite armors and weapons
A retro-futuristic neon vibe with attention paid to small details (like light switches and window shades).
Build it your way – You can use the decorator interface inside the station. In some rooms, you’re even able to move or delete pre-placed furniture and equipment so that you can furnish things just how you like them.
A visual “simulation” of the armillary in the main Library Observatory dome allows the observer to turn the simulation on and off at any time by simply interacting with the dais at the center of the room.
Ship builder for all your ship customization needs. Currently mirrors parts available in New Atlantis.
Use ENHANCE! at your leisure with a private Enhance pod just for those on board Horizon Station.
The medical bay is fully equipped and fully functional. Just take a lay in one of the surgical beds and you’ll wake up feeling brand new.
Crafting stations
Trade Authority kiosk to sell your goods
A spacious captain’s cargo locker lets you store up to 10K of things.
Environmental + data slate storytelling detailing some of the things that have happened onboard, and where exactly the crew went. Full storyline quest to come with full release.

Can be used on a new game or existing save game.

After you install the mod, you will find Horizon station in orbit around the gas giant Leviathan V. Simply dock your ship and start exploring. There are some slates that can be found around the station that gives you a peek into what has happened onboard so far. The story of Horizon is still being finalized and will include a questline at full release.

Once onboard, the Library is where you can trigger the station to jump. There’s a table in the back of the room with the jump button, displays and a remote control slate. The remote slate lets you summon the station to wherever you are with your ship– this is useful in case you forget where in the galaxy map the station is.

Before removing the mod, be sure you’re not onboard the station, and you’re not in the same orbit as the station.

Important: This mod is considered beta as there are many features I would like to add but wanted to get an initial version out to gather feedback.

Habitation Deck B
Elevators from A to B

The Armillary on the station is simply for visual purposes. It does not contain your artifacts. The logic behind all the artifact stuff is complicated and I didn’t want to mess with it for this initial version.
[NEW in 1.9] The data core and fuel port in Engineering is used to fuel the station with Helium-3 if you decide to enable the fuel mechanic. [Disabled by default]. To enable, use a terminal in the mainframe hub or flip the switch in the Fuel Port. A notification will appear informing you about fuel mechanic status. You can see current fuel counts at a new counter added to the control table in the Library.
Horizon requires Shattered Space due to using some activators and special FX from it.
If you’re having issues docking with the station upon discovering it, try moving Horizon to top of your load order.

Version 1.10.3
Provides the player with a new station remote upon game load. The remote is now under Aid items and can be favorited. Removes old non-functionality remote note from inventory.
Lighting tweaks, visual tweaks.
Improved Reset option in Mainframe. The process now takes less than a minute instead of up to 5 minutes. Thanks to JMPZ11 for all the help here.
General bug fixes and optimizations

Version 1.10.2
Adds new Reset Station option that will fix any incorrectly placed items after a Horizon mod update. Available at the Mainframe terminal.
Adds new station remote summon device. It is now under Aid items and can be added to favorites.
Removes collision from planets in the solar system mode of the Library holographic projector.
Minor general tweaks and bug fixes.
Added light switches to Oxygen Garden.
Switched out some doors

Version 1.10.1
Minor bug fixes to missing barricade on closet door of Executive Suite bedroom.
Ensuring door to unfinished area is locked.
Moving crafting stations in Armory to be closer together.

Version 1.10
• Adds portals as shortcuts to different parts of station. Makes it easier to get from Level A to B or vise versa. Also portals to the north and south airlock halls.
• Adds Cargo + Cargo Hold interface (does not show up in inventory transfer menus – game limitation at the moment)
• Adds additional habs including guest quarters, additional crew quarters, science hab, storage, and more.
• Adds “station follow” toggle option to Mainframe. This will make the station auto-jump to your location.
• Fixes bug with fuel being deducted from fuel storage even if fuel mechanic is turned off
• Unifies design of keyhole window seating
• Keyhole windows will no longer cause character to get trapped in them
• Keyhole windows can properly be used to sit by the player and NPCs
• Adjusts chair positioning across the station to avoid any clipping when characters sit in said chairs. Some chairs were made into non-interactive objects since they can’t be sat on (chair pushed in, fallen over, etc)
• Refreshes the original Quarters by unifying wall padding design/style, adjusts some finishes.
• Unifies keyhole transition pieces to be standard and share design language, including for windows.
• Replaces previous heavy vault door for access to mainframe. Instead, a sliding door is now used. This should prevent obstruction of NPCs/player around the previously open door.
• Added planetarium option to the armillary simulator in the Library. Use the newly accessible terminal on the desk in the library to make your selection.
• Lighting + materials unification / refresh
• Fixed blue neon design accents not being emissive
• Introduces new furnishings and layout for the Dining Hall.
• Unifies orbital door + hallway design
• Overhauls the utility hab into a proper armory.
• Overhauls the medical hab to be more consistent with the rest of the station design.
• Refreshes design and layout of Dining Hall hab



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File File size
zip Horizon - BETA-1-10-3 20 MB
zip Horizon - BETA - 1.9 19 MB
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