StarUI HUD V1.2

StarUI HUD V1.0

StarUI HUD gives you full control over most HUD widgets and provides an updated loot list and better item cards with DPS and V/W. Resize, move, recolour or disable most of the HUD widgets. The loot list can show additional columns like V/W (sort-able) and show you the item card for hovered items!

Change most widgets on the HUD to your liking:
Change the position, the scale (size), the rotation and the color (color modifier or color overwrite available) individually per widget
Hide it, if you don’t want to see it!
And for the special watch and player status widget: Adjust the 3D Position (only for 3D experts) or simply deactivate the 3D effect.
New widget: Tag Label
Reduces the HUD’s clutter level and let you focus on the important things.
Displays the item name and item tag icon below your cross-hair. So you see what an item is without the need to look at the big item card (which is moved to top right screen as you don’t really need it)
For tagged, stolen or contraband items the appropriate icon will be added after the name
Trash items are displayed slightly faded out, so those item draw even less attention
Customizable and can be disabled if you don’t like it
New widget: Loot-O-Meter
Displays a bar below your cross-hair which fills up with the value per mass value of the item. So you can easily see what’s worth to be taken!
The bar can change the color from red to orange to green based on how much its filled
Customizable and can be disabled if you don’t like it
Upgraded loot list (quick container view)
Dynamic size, more items visible (or less if you like)
Automatic height adaption based on content
Item tag icons for every item – See easily what type the item is!
Additional configurable columns (Default adds a V/M column). The list can also be sorted by the column (And you can toggle through the columns it in-game with ALT key)
Shows an item card for the highlighted item
Upgraded item cards
Added item tag icon
Added value V/M for all items with value and mass
Added value DPS for weapon (Burst-DPS, reloading-time not accounted)
Colorizable, relocatable and resizable: All item cards can be adjusted for every situations where they are visible
Quality of Life
Accidental Steal Protection – Changes the button for taking, so you need to hold E key (or controller A button) to actually steal the item.
Loot list and Tag Label widgets will change to RED when taking would be stealing.
Take All function for most containers – Press and hold R (or X on controller) to take all (when the R (or X) HOLD button is visible)
Three presets you can choose: Author’s Choice, Vanilla Extended and Vanilla. You can change that at any time and customize your choosen one as you like!
Safe to install/remove at any time! Doesn’t affect your save game and won’t prevent your abiliity to get achievements!
Integrated item sorting system for all Starfield items for the languages: EN, DE, ES, FR, IT, JA, PL, PTBR and ZHHANS.
You can control when the reticle circle and line are visible individually for different situations (the leader line going from the looked item to the item card/name box)
Reduce the button bars icon for key/controller button and slightly fade out the button bar
Shows a big door icon on doors which leads to other areas (e.g. the ones that trigger a loading screen)
Full translation support (See the translation section on this side if your translation is already available)
Many other smaller or bigger improvements
Completely customizable (see the well-documented INI file)

Enable Archive Invalidation (INI settings)
Easiest way: Use BethINI to comfortably set the value (called Load Loose Files in the GUI)
Or: See this detailed Howto: Archive Invalidation to set the INI values with Windows tools.
Install mod files
Simply install the mod via your mod manager (Vortex, Mod Organizer 2 beta, …)
Or: Alternate manual install: Copy the folder Interface\ from the zip into your Starfield\Data\ folder (where the ba2 files are) – ignore folders fomod\ and Optional\
For some people that folder won’t work, copy the files to your Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data\ folder in that case (create the Data\ folder if it doesn’t exist there yet)
Choose one of the three presets from the sub-folder StarUI HUD Presets\ and copy the INI file content into a new file StarUI HUD.ini in Interface\.
To install the 30fps or 120fps version: After doing the above steps copy the files from the appropriate sub-folder in Optional\ and overwrite the existing ones.

Configuration and Presets
You can customize every aspect of this mod. See the well-documented INI file StarUI HUD (default).ini and adapt it to your liking!

The mod comes with three presets: Author’s Choice, Vanilla Extended and Extended.

Tip: You can switch later to another preset at any time. The presets are copied to folder Interface\StarUI HUD Presets. Simply copy the INIs content to your StarUI HUD (default).ini
Tip 2: Copy the file StarUI HUD (default).ini and rename it to StarUI HUD.ini. This INI file will be read too and won’t be overwritten by mod updates!

Author’s Choice preset INI file:



Bethesda for making another great RPG!
Cala for making the awesome teaser images!
Collective Modding discord – for morale support, testing, ideas and more! (Check it out!)
The xEdit-Team for their great continues work (Hopefulyl there will be a SFEdit soon!)
The NexusMods community

And a big thanks to all the engaged beta testers in the #starui channel (alphabetical order, if i miss one please tell me):
Cursed Jay
The Bay Harbor Butcher

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File File size
7z StarUI HUD-1-2 1 MB
7z StarUI HUD-1-1 1 MB
7z StarUI HUD-1-0 1 MB
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