Overpowered Weapon Pack V1.3

Overpowered Weapon Pack V1.3

Adds the following to the Weapons Cache, and Industrial Workbench at zero resource cost:

Dystopia – High powered ballistic Machine Gun.
Oumuamua – High powered and long-distance sniper rifle.
Eclipse – Fully automatic EM machine gun.
Luminance – Overpowered Legendary cutter with much greater distance.

The Weapons Cache, located in the basement of the Lodge, also contains:

Ammo for all of the above, some credits and Astra, and a complete set of Tracker’s Alliance Gear.

Note for current Eclipse – Standalone EM users:
This version of Eclipse is separate from the original and will NOT corrupt or effect your saves. You may; however, find you have 2 recipes in the workbench. The original will cost 1 iron, the version in this mod will not cost any resources. You will also find that you have 2 esm files. The original named Eclipse.esm, or EclipseEM.esm (without a dash) depending on your version. This new one is Eclipse-EM. esm (with a dash). Feel free to disable one or the other.

To the meat of it:
I have played through level 100+ more than once and am currently level 80+ on my 5th (or 6th, idk) playthrough. I built these weapons for that reason. There are no restrictions, nor any requirements, to craft these at the workbench. They are effective and efficient and mostly in use by me above level 75, but you are just as able to craft and use them at level 1.

What you choose to do with that is up to you. You can always disable any of the ESM files in this pack individually at your discretion, or simply not install it. I won’t be putting any ‘balancing’ changes or alternate versions in this mod.

The file restrictions on this mod, like any I make, are open to anyone wanting to post any kind of balancing act, provided they credit me with the original. That is all.

Use a Mod manager. Really. If not, then drop them in the Starfield\Data directory and be sure it’s enabled in the Creations load order in game.



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zip OverpoweredWeaponPack-v1-2 48 KB
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