Improved Cowboy Vest Texture

Improved Cowboy Vest Texture

Simply changes the color of the vest to make it more consistent with the rest of the cowboy outfit while maintaining rockstar’s touch.

It’s a very simple retexture mod, nothing too exciting.

All it does is change the colors of john’s cowboy vest to a more grey/dark color scheme to match the colors to the rest of the cowboy outfit.

I personally really like the vanilla vest looks, but the fact that it has a greenish golden touch in it kinda ruins the entire cowboy outfit for me, since everything else is just tones of grey, white and blue

I could use GuiCORLEONEx794’s more faithful recreation to the rdr 1 vest, but it’s too blue and clean/smooth for my liking, so i decided to make my own version and share it to the people that might have similar thoughts.

The only reason why i called this mod “Improved” is because the vest colors are more consistent with the rest of the outfit while at the same time looking more similar to rdr 1’s counterpart.

Also, i want to clarify that ain’t trying to make any competition with no one, i just made this for my own personal enjoyment and i thought to share it with the public, just in case someone comes in here and says “but i like the other mod better!”.

Requires: Lenny’s Mod Loader



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File File size
rar Improved Vanilla Vest Texture 17 MB
rar Dark Cowboy Vest 16 MB
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