This mod allows you to use trough drowning animation everywhere.
[How to activate]
For to make this animations start you have to put pedestrians into intimidated position. For to make them intimidated you can rob them, grapple them with longarm(rifles) or sawed-off shotgun and dismiss them to left, back or right and they’ll be in intimidated position. (You can use my Brawling Style Switcher or Enhanced Brawling mod, too. [bs_player_winter1 dismiss animations]) When they’re on foot while intimidated either press F and shove them to the
ground or just grapple them and dismiss them to the ground and press F and Z rapidly to activate the animation.
[Version 1.0]
Z = Activates the animation (you have to press rapidly F and Z after you shove them to the ground)
E = Drown them.
F = Push their head in.
R = Release