– Fire rate greatly increased on all guns.
– Reload speed greatly increased on all guns
– Draw speed and Weapon Switching speed has been greatly increased.
– Reticle spread is greatly reduced.
– Camera FoV when aiming is increased on all guns for quality of life.
– Double barrel shotguns are now more realistic by drastically increasing the fire rate (since double barrel shotguns have separate triggers)
– Double Barrel guns reload with both bullets/shells going in, as well as the Double Action and Schofield Revolver (3 at a time for schofield).
Inspired from really fast firing videos on YT, you could say world records if it is.
Extract the rar and drop “FGITW Revamped” into your lml folder.
Penetration by WickedHorseMan.
Kiddo’s Minimalist Loot Economy Overhaul Warning: Kiddo is not comptible w whyem/rdoffline.
Lower Ammo Limit by bolmin70. So you don’t just ammo dump on these poor folks, try 50 for each weapon.
– AI Firerate thoroughly adjusted.
– Added a bit of firedelay throughout all semiauto guns, for AIs not to have crazy firerate.
(But still currently not recommended to pair w mods that add dual wielding to AIs, unless you want a challenge)
– Fixed Worn condition Navy revolver values not applying.
– General finetuning.
– Increased Lancaster Repeater ammo capacity from 14 to 15 to match its irl counterpart.
– Slightly decreased Cattleman Revolver firerate in deadeye for it to not bug sometimes.
– High Roller Revolver added back.
– Bow can now tag in deadeye up to 3 times, Improved Bow can now tag up to 5.
– Throwing knives can now tag up to 5 times, tomahawks up to 2.
– Shotgun slugs now have greatly reduced spread.
– Further decreased AI firerate across all guns, especially for double barrel guns. This adjustment was made for people who are running loadout mods that might give NPCs dual wielding capabilities.
– Slowed Double action revolvers for AIs.
– Cattleman Revolver recoil reduced.
– All Guns have now been renamed to their real life counterparts with their cartridge.
-Decreased a few longarms accuracy spread.
– Lemat, Navy, Elephant Rifle, M1899 Pistol, Evans are now Included and modded.
– Fixed Deadeye Painting Bug.
– Rebuilt the fire rate from the ground up to the 3 cocking values in weapons.ymt for a way smoother firerate look and feel.
– Weapon Damage, Bullet force, Camera Recoil strength has been changed depending on the real life main cartridge counterpart of each gun.
– Weapon Damage has been adjusted to be generally low as no one gets immediate brain death from a foot shot. Aiming at vitals is very much encouraged.
– Weapon changes now don’t rely on improved sights, it is at the very gun itself.
– AI is now not affected by this mod and will stay close to vanilla firerate.
– Weapon FoV has been retouched across the board.
– Each ammo type now has different Damage and Recoil.
– Double barreled guns now skip the second round’s animation for a smoother look.
– Transported most changes into weapons.ymt (no more weaponcomponents and weapons_mp)
– Added back minimal spread bloom to guns to revert back some realism, while still catering to the quickdraw enthusiasts to be accurate.
– Pump action guns have more fire rate compared, as Arthur/John now has learned how to slam-fire.
– No more forced scope for sniper rifles.
– Sniper rifles can now tag people in deadeye.
– Evans Repeater can now tag up to 26 people in deadeye.
– Double barrel guns now have very very minimal delay when attempting to fire both shots.
– Reload speeds has now been reduced when dual wielding.
– Varmint Rifle and Repeating Shotgun now reloads 2 bullets at a time.
– Completely removes “fire delay”, this one value makes Arthur/John completely idle for milliseconds, even when the gun has finished cycling, but a bit of delay is added to semiauto guns as Arthur/John cannot exactly guess the moment the gun is done cycling.
(They are more trying to wiggle their finger w the semi autos for the firerate)
Version 1.2.4:
– Added optional draw & weapon switching speed variation patches.
– Slow downed draw & weapon switching speed by 20% for better immersion (v1.2.2 speed available in optional files).
Version 1.2.2:
– All Double barrel shotguns now reload with all 2 shells going in at the same time.
– Increased all Double barrel shotguns reload speed.
Make sure to delete any previous versions in your lml folder before installing!
Version 1.2.0:
– Fixed the Mauser, Semi-automatic pistol, and the Varmint rifle by slightly lowering the fire rate for it to work when you paint targets in deadeye
– The Double action revolver’s reload is now 2 bullets at a time.
– The Schofield’s reload is now 3 bullets at a time.
– Revolver and Pistol long barrels now increases damage by 20%.
– Slight damage increase for shotgun long barrels (sawed off not included).
– Slightly decreased the Double action revolver’s fire rate for a more double action feel.
– Slightly decreased the Volcanic’s fire rate for less clunky cocking.
– Slightly decreased Sawed off’s spread.
– Increased the lancaster and litchfield’s fire rate.
– Slightly decreased the Rolling block’s reload speed for it to not bug visually.
Note: The lancaster and litchfield also has the deadeye painting problem but the fire rate has to go unimpressively low for it to work while painting people in deadeye, so its safe to say its much preferable to not paint targets while in deadeye when using these.
– Fire rate greatly increased on all guns.
– Reload speed greatly increased on all guns; special and DLC guns.
– Draw speed is increased by 3 times.
– Degradation is also slowed by 25% on all guns.
– Reticle spread is reduced by a lot that theres almost no spread.
– Camera fov when aiming is increased on all guns for quality of life.
– Double barrel shotguns are now more realistic by drastically increasing the fire rate (since double barrel shotguns have separate triggers) but most of the time they wont work in deadeye if you paint targets, cuz its really fast that it breaks.
Inspired from really fast firing videos on YT, you could say world records if it is.
Extract the rar and drop “Fastest Gun In The West” into your lml folder.
These Mods dont work you press download and all it does is takes you to leave a comment page 0\10 🙁