Star Wars – Mimban Stormtrooper Mining Spacesuit Replacer V1.0

Star Wars - Mimban Stormtrooper Mining Spacesuit Replacer V1.0

Replaces the Deepseeker, Deepcore, and DEIMOS Mining Spacesuits with 2 variations of Bonepunk’s Mimban Stormtroopers

You MUST download the original Mimban Stormtrooper mod from Bonepunk to get this working. This cannot work without that. This doesn’t get rid of any of his standalone armors in his mod as well, so you have a choice between crafting them at a workbench or finding them naturally in the world.

This is my part of my ongoing project to replace every remaining vanilla spacesuit in Starfield with a Star Wars counterpart. I will not be replacing anything that’s already been replaced by another Star Wars mod, such as UC Empire, Freestar Rebels, Ecliptics, Pirates, etc. This spacesuit replacement specifically is meant to replace miners and workers with dirty/deteriorated clone armor to signify the clones being phased out of the Empire.

Once I have extra time, I’ll dirty up the clean looking jetpacks for each respective armors



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rar Mimban Stormtrooper (Deepcore and Deepseeker Repla-1-0 297 KB
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