Gameplay Options Extended V1.11

Gameplay Options Extended

Ever wanted to tweak just about everything about your gameplay experience? Gameplay Options Extended will allow you to do just that!

Requires version 1.12.30 or higher!

Still WIP, but fully working and stable!


Creations Menu:
Once this mod is downloaded, you may enable it using the in-game Creations menu by going to “Load Order” and then enabling “GameplayOptionsExtended.esm”

If you download through Vortex, you can enable plugin management and can then enable the mod about as easily as the Creations menu.

Once this mod is downloaded, you must unzip the contents into your Data folder which will be found at these approximate directories (unless you use custom folders)
Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data
GamePass: C:\XboxGames\Starfield\Content\Data

Once you’ve unzipped, you can now enable the mod by manually adding this line at any point in your Plugins.txt file (Which also requires you to download Plugins.text Enabler), the folder that contains Plugins.txt is at: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Starfield

Here’s the line you’ll need to add: *GameplayOptionsExtended.esm

This mod will (eventually) allow you to tweak just about every facet of Starfield’s gameplay, right now it includes options for:

Item costs
Crafting costs
Player speed

Future options planned include:
Item rarity
Armor resistances (Enemy and Player)
Item weights
Ship speed
Perk points gained per level
Starpower regeneration speed
Oxygen regeneration speed
And much, much more!



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File File size
rar Gameplay Options Extended-1-11 3 KB
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