Loot reMIX V1.0

Loot reMIX V1.0

Turn Starfield into less of a crafting game and more of a Looter Shooter.

50 clothing items to collect that roll with a variety of mods, 7 unique wearable Augments, wearable Augments that roll with a variety of mods, 15+ unique weapons, 6 new grenades, God Roll versions of all weapons. Buffed and more interesting mods that roll with vanilla and customised weapons, clothing, armour and augments. (Hundreds of new loot items to chase)

Designed to work in tandem/ parallel with vanilla loot drops, while touching as little of the vanilla game as possible.

Does not require a new game but early game has been considered with some items designed to make early game more enjoyable and as the player levels up new items join the loot pool. If you have wanted to roll a new character but dreaded the new game pain then this mod should help make it a smoother and more rewarding experience.

Vanilla weapons, armour, mods, enchantments etc are still vanilla and are not affected by this mod, vanilla loot drops will roll with vanilla stats etc as

Custom level lists used to generate custom weapons, clothing, grenades and augments, adding custom mods, enchantments, magic effects, perks, spells and
projectiles into the game.

God Roll weapons with buffed stats with a variety of custom mods.

Utilises base game assets, with no change to vanilla items. No new assets are added to the game.

Unique weapons and augments that roll with a set of unique mods for each weapon and augment. Some are very powerful, some are designed to offer new game play options, others are of a practical nature to enhance the base game.

Weapon and Armour mods have been tweaked to be more powerful/ distinctive and less wishy washy. Vanilla mods are all to similar to each other with stats
and percentages that more often than not means you have killed the enemy before the mods offer any interesting flavour to game play. I have moved which slots some mods can roll into, with each slot now having a “theme” that made more sense to me.

Hundreds of new loot items to chase to make the perfect build and create the look just right for your character.

Vanilla game changes.

LLD_CrimsonFleet, LLD_Spacers, LLD_Ecliptic and LLD_Varuun

These have the custom level lists that generate the new items into the game. Vanilla drops can still occur with these enemies. Farming POI enemies now have new and interesting drops.


Has had his level list changed. He will now 100% drop a new unique “Jasper’s Legacy” and one of three other uniques: “Lydia’s Burden”, “Acrobats have Superpowers” or “Kitchen Knife”, all designed to make early game a more enjoyable experience. All four items can still drop from other enemies as above.

All other parts of the Vanilla game are left untouched.

Drop Rates: Too often and loot loses its thrill and it can become a chore to look through all the drops, too little and this mod becomes meaningless. Hopefully I have managed to find the right balance of how often items drop.

All new level lists added have there own drop chance, from rare to very very rare.
10% chance: New grenades drop from level one enemies. To help find and sort them in the inventory they will have *asterisks* in their name.
5% chance: Rare weapons and armour drop from level one enemies. Vanilla level list restrictions apply.
5% chance: Epic weapons and armour drop from level fifteen enemies. Vanilla level list restrictions apply.
5% chance: Legendary weapons and armour drop from level thirty enemies. Vanilla level list restrictions apply.
10% chance: Epic Clothing outfits drop from level one enemies.
5% chance: Epic Augments drop from level one enemies.
5% chance: God Roll melee weapons drop from level one enemies. Custom level list restrictions apply.
5% chance: God Roll ranged weapons drop from level one enemies but have been split up into different factions. Custom level list restrictions apply.

Crimson Fleet: Handguns and Shotguns.
Spacers: Handguns and Rifles.
Ecliptic: Rifles and Shotguns.
Va’ruun: Heavy weapons, Snipers and Shotguns.

2% chance: Unique Weapons and Augments drop from level one enemies. Custom level list restrictions apply.

As you level up more unique items will join the loot pool. Weapons will drop with the appropriate level buffs, similar to vanilla. Unique items have “unique name” and the naming conventions will not show in game on Unique Weapons and Unique Augments.

Augments: Using the Neuroamps asset as a platform to add mods/ enchantments to. Meant to fill any missing gaps or add something new in a build. Epics will roll with a variety of enhancements, Uniques with a specific roll.

Clothing: Using a selection of the base game clothing and making copies specific to this mod, clothes now come with a movement buff and can roll with a variety of mods. Similar to the Augments, use to fill gaps in a build and look good while doing it.

Clothing again. Look mum, no armour: Part of why this mod exists is that I wanted a way to run around going “pew pew” without having to wear a bulky set of
armour for the extra stats they provide. Taking out a bunch of cut throat pirates while looking good in a swanky sari is now more viable. Also great way to up the difficulty.

“Acrobats have Superpowers”: Has the game mechanics of a pack attached to a nueroamp/ Augment, as in, wearing this item is the same as wearing a pack. Derps out when wearing both this and a pack. Use one or the other. Meant as a cosmetic (invisible) alternative to wearing a pack.

Movement Speed: I like moving fast in games. Trudging slowly across the vast Starfield planets maybe realistic but it’s not fun to me. Various items add player movement speed. Those items make the game more fun for me, they may not for you.

Unusual weapon mods/effects: For example “Today’s Special” makes food and drink more nutritious. It acts as passive buff. For the effect to happen it just has to be equipped to your hand/ holster, it doesn’t have to be out ready to shoot for the effect to work.

Difficulty: The balance/ buffs have been made with extreme difficulty in mind. The weapons, armour, clothing and new augment system will make you very
powerful. I would recommend using one of the many mods available that buff enemies and make the game harder. I’m very out of the loop on which are the better difficulty mods at the moment but I was using some of JaeDL’s Royal Series mods for a while and thought they where very good, so maybe start there.

What are you doing step Creation Engine: Very very rarely the game will ignore what mods are supposed to drop with whatever item I have setup and drop on
something else. It could happen in Vanilla game but wouldn’t really be noticeable, but because I know what is supposed to drop with what and have looked at thousands and thousands of drops while testing its something I have noticed. I have spent hours trying to work out if it is some stupidity on my end but I dunno wtf. If 99 times out of a 100 it works as intended that’s good enough for me.

A note on Frenzy: “Frenemies” and “Friends like this” use frenzy at 100% to add a fun game play option. When frenzied, the enemy becomes an enemy to
everyone, if you are in their sights they will still shoot at you, two enemies frenzied and shooting at each other will often stop shooting at each other and start shooting at you if you in their sights. Go figure. Both guns do low damage, dead bandits cannot be frenzied.

Ouch: Some guns and grenades can be dangerous at close range. You know what to do.

Ranged vs Melee mods: Because many of the damage mods rely on a percentage to proc, the melee weapons needed a percentage buff to proc properly. At 10% chance, a high fire rate auto rifle will have more chances to proc over a slow moving melee weapon. This big buff only occurs on the God Roll melee weapons, which are meant to be, well, God Rolls.

Some things stack, some things don’t: Sometimes I did it on purpose, sometimes because I couldn’t be bothered connecting up a bunch of things for the mod
to connect to a different perk/ spell from the other one I used in another slot. General rule is if the mod in slot 1 and the mod in slot 2 point to the same perk id, they won’t stack, if they point to a different perk id they should stack. Something like that.

Uniques: Some have descriptions that make it clear what the item does, some of the text hint at what it does, some you’ll just have to work it out. All the
uniques have started out with an idea in mind, be it practical, fun or new game play options. My many hours playing games from the Borderlands series have been a inspiration for some of the uniques. Sometimes an idea will evolve and change while experimenting and testing. Expect more uniques in future updates.

Image Gallery: The screenshots in the Images section are meant to give an idea of what the mod does. It doesn’t reflect the number of new items that can
now drop in the game, which would be in the hundreds. I don’t have time to screenshot every possible new drop combination and Nexus probably wouldn’t appreciate it either.

Compatibility: I have made this to have as little effect on Vanilla game as possible and for other mods to have as little effect on this as possible. That
said, any mods that change stats on Vanilla Weapons and Armour will carry through to the level lists I use that utilise those items.

Any other mod that alters the following level lists (LLD_CrimsonFleet, LLD_Spacers, LLD_Ecliptic and LLD_Varuun) or LC003_CrimsonFleet_KreetBoss could
cause issues, with one mod “winning” over the other.

However, the meat and potatoes of this mod are the custom versions of clothing, neuroamps (Augments), God Roll weapons and Uniques, as well as custom
versions of mods, enchantments, magic effects, perks, spells and projectiles. These custom Editor ID’s/ Form ID’s (Creation Kit) should be safe from being effected by other mods.

Any other mod that changes the effects of vanilla Editor ID

will not carry through to any drops from this mod.

No other mod shouldeffect any of my custom Editor ID’s such as
The effect of this mod_ and any custom enchantment, perk etc are safe from being effected by other mods.

Any mods that changes the stats of vanilla Editor ID (Weapons and Armour) such as
will carry through to drops from this mod. This should not cause any major issues, it just means those changes carry through when this mod generates a
drop with that vanilla asset.

Crafting: This mod is designed as an alternative to having to speedrun the crafting skills but there is still some functionality between this mods custom
items and the crafting tables. The spirit of this mod is Looter Shooter, farming for that drop. Vanilla items will still drop at the same vanilla rate and can still be modified at the crafting tables as usual.

Crafting Mods: I love mods such as Legendary Module Recycler by JonathanOstrus, spent many many hours using and enjoying what that bought to the table. I have no idea if this would be compatible, very likely not, vanilla items should still work fine but my custom Form ID’s won’t. I won’t be doing any compatibility patches for such mods. That defeats the spirit of this mod. I usually have a few characters running, with at least one still using Legendary Module Recycler
because it’s a great mod and sometimes tinkering in the crafting tables is what hits the spot.

Tweaking drop rates: (Screenshots in the image gallery may help)
If you’re familiar with the Creation kit and want to change drop rates, inside of the following


You will find a bunch of level lists starting with


Open up the level list you want to adjust, change the Chance None (found top center) percentage to desired chance. It is a bit counter intuitive
at first. Entering 95 = 5% drop chance. Entering 10 = 90% drop chance.

This will change the chance for all factions as it is the same level list used in each faction.


will also change it in

The exceptions being:

Which are used to split up the God Roll ranged weapons and from which faction they drop from. Each one will need to be changed in each faction.

Future plans: At this point I feel like I have only just started to understand the CK in a very small way. There is lot in there that has potential to do
some interesting stuff. While learning, experimenting, testing and making this mod there was a lot of stuff I noted to come back to and see what it does.

I need to work out how level list injection works (code hurts my head) to make the mod more compatible with other mods that modify level lists.

A template for other modders to utilise as a means to implement their ideas, weapons and armour into the game through level lists that can drop in game
similar to this mod. Ideally if I can work out how level list injection code works.

Revisit some half experimented and half tested ideas.

Look at armour and what potential ideas could be added to the mix.

More Uniques.Weapons, Augments, Clothing and Armour.



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