Useful Brigs – Habz Patch V1.0

Useful Brigs - Habz Patch V1.0

Makes the brigs provided in Habz useful.

Habz, created by robboten, offers a wide selection of new hab units for your ship, including brigs. Useful Brigs makes brigs… useful. With this patch, Habz brigs will now be useful!

Please visit the respective mod pages for more information.

Known issue:
Joined habs can remove the brig’s beds because a doorway has been placed in the hab instead. At this time, I do not see any way to easily detect this. If you send a prisoner to the brig where the bed has been removed because a doorway is placed, the prisoner will stand in the hab as there is no bed to place them into.



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7z Useful Brigs - Habz Patch-1-0 1 KB
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