New-Atlantis Info-Board Advertisement V1.1

New-Atlantis Info-Board Advertisement V1.1

This mod ads a Tour Guide Info Advertisment and a cool looking modern ad.

I took the liberty to make a tweak, to two of the best advertisment replacement mods for this game, and it complements both.

The first mod is, Immersive New Atlantis City Map
And the second one is, Neon Atlantis Billboards and Posters

PLEASE, go and download both (then endorse both) and then … install mine last…..
These two mods go well together, only the Immersive New Atlantis City Map overwrites 2 of the Neon Atlantis Billboards and Posters ads.
So I merged these, and now both are in the game at once. (if you install them separately, because my mod does not include the other mods files. My mod has only a merged version of one of the conflicting ad from both mods, and basically my mod replaced the Immersive New Atlantis City Map big map, with a smaller version so the replaced Neon Atlantis Billboards and Posters ad can fit and still be seen in the game.)

(((the pink line on the posters 3 edges, as seen in the screenshots, is deliberate, i added that because I think it looks cool, and its kinda like a LED backlight for the ad screen…i didnt want it to make in pink on all 4 sides, its slightly misalligned so its only on 3,,,i could fix it but i think assymetry is better,,,and no LCD screen has backlight LEDS on every side on the screen etc. I looks neat at night in the dark, just an extra color going on for it etc)))

drop in your main Starfield folder


drop in your My games/Starfield folder

depending on your setup and where you install your lose files.



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File File size
rar ad_info_map-1-1 2 MB
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