Inflictor Enhanced is simple in concept: More snek pew pew.
What you get:
2 new custom barrels (Tactical/Assault, Sniper)
2 new fire modes (Burst, full auto)
1 new scope (5x, 10x)
Custom addons (support, nozzle, laser, silencer)
All new meshes (By Deantendo)
All new textures (By SpoopySauce1)
BUT! It’s designed to be end-game and expensive.
Gonna cost you skills and high-end parts.
Known issues:
The silencer doesn’t silence. Instead it lowers hostile perception.
Nozzle overlap between ours and the standard
Designed to work with the community patch.
Replaces the default skin
Very simple. Open the zip, drag the ‘data’ folder into the folder where you have Starfield installed – Usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield
Add *InflictorEnhanced.esm to your Plugins.txt
This should work with mod managers and manual installs.
An end of year update graciously provided by SentinelLyons
No features. Just compatibility. Not tested by me, so do let me know if it works.
I’m open to patches like this if people are willing.
Version 1.1
Added 3 new skins. Suppressor suppresses. New reflex sight. Changes to mat files.
Version 1.0.2
Fixed the issue with NPCs and storing in Inventory/Display. Added to levelled lists for the advanced Inflictor.
Version 1.0.1
Non-critical changes. Updated support mesh, updted nozzle texture, updated scope band texture. As in description: Do not give to companions, do not store. Keep in your inventory only – Due to current limitations.