Skirmish V1.0.2

Skirmish V1.0

RDR2’s combat has always been kind of stale for me, fun, but stale, I’ve overhauled combat, added new things, and have increased the difficulty to my desire

I’ve changed a bunch of things, like combat, stealth, damage, deadeye, and more:

Damage Changes
-New organs like intestines and kidneys
-(Size of other organs and spine have been altered)
-Increased damage rate
-NPC damage systems like anatomical system has been applied on the player, increasing damage, so getting shot in the head will kill you instantly

Gameplay changes
-Gangs, Free Roam NPCs, and Lawmen have different flanking tactics, making an encounter with each of them unique and interesting
-Lawmen: will be faster and more aggressive, flanking you from the sides and the rear
-Gangs: Gangs like the Skinners and Del Lobos will hit you fast and hard, flanking you from the rear, and will take a more higher approach in cover.
 Gangs like the O’Driscolls will have a more randomized way of attacking, fitting the characteristics of the gang.
 The Murfee Brood will have a defensive combat style, retreating away to lure you in, then flanking you from behind
-NPCs: Will have randomized cover paramaters, good to kill them fast if no cover
-Gameplay is overall more agressive, leaving you to be on your feet and strategizing your next move, some hits will do decent damage, while other hits like gunshots to your gut or chest will take big chunks off your health.
-Accuracy has been tweaked, now they can no longer shoot you from far away in an unbelievable manner, and accuracy has been given a more realistic take.

Deadeye Changes
-Aiming thresholds have been increased
-Deadeye lasts a little bit longer

Stealth Changes
-Couldn’t really do much as there isn’t much of a stealth system, but I tuned it to be just a tad bit better

Loadout changes
-Enemies will not have infinite ammo anymore, so when they run out, you can go for a free kill
-Degration has been tweaked for NPCs, Lawmen, and Gangs
-Gun variance has been increased, giving more character to the firearms being held in the deadly gunfights you encounter

Perception changes
-Enemies have trouble seeing at night, having their accuracy been decrease, this can also be multiplied with different weathers
-The hearing, smelling, and eye sight of different type of animals have been tweaked to accuracy, representing real life, smell is also affected by wind
-Grazing angles have been changed for animals too.

This mod was made for myself, but I also wanted to share it to you guys, so all of this will fit my personal and subjective approval, so changing something will only happen if something needs to be updated, or if you guys share something that I think would be a great addition to the mod.

-Drag Combat and stream folder to your lml folder, you can find LML here



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zip Combat-1-02 6 MB
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