This mod adds around 175 new weapons to the game, well, I say new, but they’re just variants of other guns. You get the gist.
This is a modified version of More Pretty Gun by AnRanWuShi, as well as using a small amount of code belonging to wickedhorseman. Full credit goes to them, as well as Dare To Game on YouTube for the designs of many of the factory finish variants. Other weapon variants come from movies or games, from Moth-Man0907, Swoopy, or Caper.
Important Notes:
Several weapons cannot be inspected. We still do not know why. To combat this, we made it so you can now bring every gun to the gunsmith so they can clean it there.
Heavily recommended you use VULKAN rendering for this!
We wrote over 130,000 lines of code for this mod. We are tired, and we are NOT adding any suggestions.
Aiming animations for some of the sawed-off shotgun variants use the double-barreled shotgun animations while you are on horseback. They still function perfectly fine otherwise. We have no idea why this happens.
The double-barreled shotgun variants have a chance to somehow have their model swapped with a playing card. We have no idea why this happens or how to prevent it from happening. Holstering your shotgun on your horse and then grabbing it back from your saddle seems to fix this issue. I’ve noticed this happening the most on Joe’s Double-Barreled Shotgun specifically.
Sam’s revolver is the only LeMat revolver capable of using every shotgun ammo type. We will not be changing the scripts to allow the others to do this.
We will not be making variants or merges to modify specific stats or to merge with any specific files unless we deem it ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, if you want a merge just copy all the possible weapon files you can into your own file. It’s relatively easy, just very time-consuming. Make sure to have something open that can check xml files for errors. Windows visual studio code is free and the search text function is very useful.
lmao you can tell someone didn’t read this if they complain about any of these listed issues
Buying too much shit will for some reason make the game prevent you from saving your game, works fine for me but considering its merged with RDOffline, don’t go buying everything in sight. Otherwise, should be fine.
Listed costs do not reflect honor discounts.
You can buy the special earned-through-side-mission weapons from the fence, I recommend you earn them first, but this is only here so you can still dual-wield them upon receiving the guns, or so you can still grab them if you miss them, since we all make mistakes y’know?
A total of 175 new weapons added to the game! (Well, “new”, they’re variants of preexisting weapons.)
1 lantern
1 throwing knife
21 knives
73 Sidearms
[16 Cattleman Revolvers]
[11 Double-Action Revolvers]
[17 Schofield Revolvers]
[4 LeMat Revolvers]
[8 Navy Revolvers]
[4 Volcanic Pistols]
[4 Mauser Pistols]
[3 Semi-automatic Pistols]
[3 M1899 Pistols]
[7 Sawed-Off Shotguns]
79 Longarms
[6 Carbine Repeaters]
[7 Lancaster Repeaters]
[5 Litchfield Repeaters]
[5 Evans Repeaters]
[4 Springfield Rifles]
[6 Bolt Action Rifles]
[3 Varmint Rifles]
[7 Carcano Rifles]
[6 Rolling Block Rifles]
[8 Double-Barreled Shotguns]
[4 Semi-auto Shotguns]
[4 Repeating Shotguns]
[6 Pump-Action Shotguns]
[2 Elephant Rifles]
[1 Bow]
[5 Improved Bows]
Arthur’s Knife
The only thing more dangerous than Arthur Morgan, was Arthur Morgan with a knife.
Cost: $100.00
Bill’s Knife
Standard-issue army knife, primarily made for combat.
Cost: $100.00
Cleet’s Knife
A knife made for quick kills, complete with a guard on the grip to protect the user’s fingers.
Cost: $110.00
Charles’ Knife
A knife made specifically for hunting, although it isn’t too picky about what kind of flesh you dig it into.
Cost: $130.00
Davey’s Knife
Rusted and worn from years of poor maintenance ensures a side of tetanus if your victim somehow survives a knife to the chest.
Cost: $115.00
Dutch’s Knife
You’d think it would be just for show, but it’s still quite effective.
Cost: $100.00
Factory Finish Hunting Knife
An all-purpose Bowie knife with a sharp clip-point blade, steel crossguard, and sturdy wooden handle.
Cost: $50.00
Gunslinger Hunting Knife
A shiny knife, ready to be painted red at a moment’s notice.
Cost: $50.00
Hosea’s Knife
An old hunting knife made to cut into tough game meat.
Cost: $105.00
Javier’s Knife
An ornate knife, as deadly as it is beautiful.
Cost: $110.00
Jenny’s Knife
This isn’t your average bread-slicer, unless you consider someone’s throat bread.
Cost: $120.00
Joe’s Knife
An old knife passed down from one degenerate to the other.
Cost: $115.00
John’s Knife
Useful for quietly taking down a target without alerting their friends, skinning your prey after a long day of wilderness hunting, or fighting off wolves on a snowy mountainside
Cost: $120.00
Kieran’s Knife
A great knife for gutting fish, -or people too, I guess.
Cost: $100.00
Lenny’s Knife
Five finger filet isn’t all this sharp blade’s good for!
Cost: $100.00
Mac’s Knife
A deranged killer’s best friend.
Cost: $115.00
Micah’s Knife
An easily-concealable knife just in case you need to make any quick and cheap stabbings along the way.
Cost: $100.00
Pearson’s Knife
This knife is perfect for cutting flesh and separating tendons, works as advertised on both people and animals.
Cost: $120.00
Sadie’s Knife
If there ever was a knife made with the sole purpose to kill O’Driscolls, this would be it.
Cost: $110.00
Sean’s Knife
“I can’t wait to slit some poor bastard’s throat!” – Sean MacGuire
Cost: $100.00
Uncle’s Knife
Running around slashing at people is no job for a man with terminal lumbago, so maybe you’ll put this to better use?
Cost: $120.00
Javier’s Throwing Knife
One time use, so make it count. [Seriously, you can only use this once and for some reason can never pick it up again.]
Cost: $50.00
Old Lantern
Old yet reliable, it still lights up any path it needs to.
Cost: $25.00
André’s Revolver
A legendary revolver belonging to a helpful stranger.
Cost: $450.00
Factory Finish Cattleman Revolver
Rugged six-gun known by many names. Easy to handle, accurate, and packs a punch.
Cost: $50.00
Golden Cattleman Revolver
A golden gun fitting for a speci8al gunslinger. Every kill gains you a little more fame. Too bad fame doesn’t mean much in this economy.
Cost: $600.00
Gunslinger Cattleman Revolver
You can find this classic piece on any hip from Tumbleweed to Saint Denis. (RDR1 Cattleman Revolver)
Cost: $50.00
Hosea’s Cattleman Revolver
An old gun with baroque engravings, fitting for an old man like Hosea.
Cost: $200.00
Hosea’s Gilded Revolver
An intricate revolver belonging to Hosea Matthews, ensuring you’re reminded to be careful around an old man in a profession where men die young.
Cost: $600.00
John’s Cattleman Revolver
A simple gun for a man with a not-so-simple life.
Cost: $400.00
John’s Gilded Revolver
The kind of gun John would want, but would probably be too afraid to use in case someone steals it.
Cost: $600.00
Kieran’s Cattleman Revolver
A revolver belonging to Kieran Duffy, a poor bastard caught up in a bad situation.
Cost: $100.00
Kieran’s Gilded Revolver
Kieran’s special revolver, he did say he was a great fisherman.
Cost: $550.00
Lenny’s Cattleman Revolver
Young Lenny’s sidearm, not a little kid’s toy gun.
Cost: $100.00
Lenny’s Gilded Revolver
Lenny’s fancy revolver, usually used when robbing fancy targets.
Cost: $550.00
Lucius’ Revolver
A cold, icy gun to contrast the previous owner’s kind nature
Cost: $550.00
Sadie’s Cattleman Revolver
Mrs. Adlers’ gun, it’s nearly just as bloodthirsty as she is. Nearly.
Cost: $500.00
Sean’s Cattleman Revolver
Sean’s gun, it’s surprisingly clean for an outlaw like him.
Cost: $100.00
Whitchurch Revolver
Those you kill will soon be fertilizer for the flowers.
Cost: $400.00
Algernon’s Revolver
What it lacks in power, it makes up for in flashy metals and engravings. A mirror image of its previous owner.
Cost: $650.00
Cleet’s Double-Action Revolver
A sniveling little rat’s peashooter.
Cost: $75.00
Clementine’s Revolver
An easy-to-hold grip and a double-action hammer makes this an easy revolver to use, especially if you lack experience with them.
Cost: $500.00
Davey’s Double-Action Revolver
A Double-Action revolver with a mean streak to make even the most experienced outlaws blush.
Cost: $325.00
Factory Finish Double-Action Revolver
A fast firing revolver, and the pistol choice of many professional shooters.
Cost: $65.00
Gunslinger Double-Action Revolver
A trusty double-action revolver, fit to help you overthrow the Mexican government. (RDR1 Double-Action Revolver, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $300.00
Javier’s Double-Action Revolver
An intricate gun fit for an equally intricate man like Javier.
Cost: $600.00
Karen’s Double-Action Revolver
A scam artist’s sleek and trusty gun. Good for getting out of sticky situations. Just don’t ask where she’s hiding it.
Cost: $100.00
Micah’s Double-Action Revolver
A gun just about as evil as its previous owner. The only difference being that you want this gun on your side.
Cost: $600.00
Micah’s Gilded Revolver
A version of Micah’s revolver, if it had just come fresh from the gunsmith he had just finished robbing.
Cost: $666.00
Slingar’s Firecracker
A novelty piece that belongs to the character Sindel Slingar, from an old fairytale involving a thief and a gunslinger trying to make it big in an empire of fire.
Cost: $130.00
Trelawny’s Double-Action Revolver
Trelawny’s striking gun, it’s sure to protect him if he can’t magic his way out of a situation.
Cost: $127.00
Arthur’s Schofield Revolver
A powerful revolver for a powerful man, simple yet effective too.
Cost: $400.00
Arthur’s Gilded Revolver
A bit flashy, but absolutely beautiful regardless.
Cost: $550.00
Bill’s Schofield Revolver
A poorly-maintained revolver belonging to a former soldier.
Cost: $500.00
Bill’s Gilded Revolver
The perfect revolver for a bisexual alcoholic.
Cost: $600.00
Black Belle’s Revolver
If you’ve been on the run nearly as long as she has, you might as well make your revolver be a trophy for whoever finally catches you.
Cost $550.00
Dakota’s Revolver
The infamous pirate queen’s pistol, gifted by a bounty hunter.
Dutch’s Schofield Revolver
An ornate revolver belonging to an outlaw who desperately wanted to be an American king.
Cost: $600.00
Gunslinger Schofield Revolver
“See if this Schofield makes a difference. Now that’s a real gun.” -Landon Ricketts (RDR1 Schofield Revolver)
Cost: $192.00
Uncle’s Schofield Revolver
A legendary revolver belonging to the ‘One-Shot Kid’.
Cost: $250.00
Factory Finish Schofield Revolver
An accurate revolver with high power, making a good choice for any serious gunslinger.
Cost: $84.00
Francis’ Revolver
A special revolver made for a legendary monster hunter.
Cost: $550.00
Millie’s Revolver
Legend has it the previous owner of this revolver was a nun, and each bullet was automatically blessed upon firing them at the unrighteous.
Cost: $777.00
Noble Revolver
A flashy yet efficient revolver, meant for noble gunslingers.
Cost: $500.00
O’Malley’s Revolver
A legendary (and cursed) revolver forged by the hand of death itself.
Cost: $666.00
Ricketts’ Schofield Revolver
A very ornate revolver used by Landon Ricketts back when he was a famous gunslinger.
Cost: $900.00
Silas’ Schofield Revolver
A gun meant for hunters looking to stagger something a bit bigger than a deer, it’s sure to undo you.
Cost: $100.00
A revolver of unknown origin, made to look flashy yet intimidating.
Cost: $400.00
Factory Finish LeMat Revolver
Re-tooled classic cavalry weapon. Chambers more bullets than most revolvers. Fires faster thanks to precision retrofitting.
Cost: $172.00
Gunslinger LeMat Revolver
Nine shots, plus a tenth shotgun barrel shot in case your target somehow survived the first nine. (RDR1 LeMat Revolver, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $313.00
Mac’s LeMat revolver
A volatile revolver for an angry drunkard, 10 shots total including the under-barrel shotgun.
Cost: $317.00
Sam’s LeMat Revolver
A legendary LeMat revolver formerly belonging to a great artist.
Cost: $320.00
Cain’s Navy Revolver
Not much is known about the previous owner, other than the fact that they loved all things shiny.
Cost: $600.00
Django’s Navy Revolver
“The ‘D’ is silent, hillbilly.” – Django Freeman
Cost: $550.00
Factory Finish Navy Revolver
There exists no mammal nor revenue agent capable of outrunning this classic pistol.
Cost: $275.00
Gunter’s Navy Revolver
There exists no mammal nor revenue agent capable of outrunning this classic pistol.
Cost: $315.00
Pearson’s Navy Revolver
A sailor’s gun, it’s old and rusted but it has no problem coming out of retirement.
Cost: $325.00
Smoak’s Navy Revolver
The revolver of a designer, a quick draw in both regards.
Cost: $600.00
Scorpion Revolver
A gun owned by an old western legend. It can mow down crowds of bandits like wildfire, just don’t burn yourself in the process. (Red Dead Revolver.. Revolver.)
Cost: $600.00
Legendary Revolver
An engraved gun owned by an unknown legend.
Cost: $600.00
Factory Finish Volcanic Pistol
Older model lever action pistol. Holds more rounds than your run-of-the mill six-shooter.
Cost: $150.00
Gunslinger Volcanic Pistol
An old fashioned volcanic pistol, it has a kick but it hits hard. (RDR1 Volcanic Pistol)
Cost: $150.00
Jenny’s Volcanic Pistol
A wild pistol for a wild girl, her life may have been cut short, but that won’t stop you from cutting others’ down too with this special pistol.
Cost: $217.00
Skip’s Volcanic Pistol
Trusty yet stylized rather unusually, those at the end of the barrel often wonder where the patterns come from. Well, before, y’know.
Cost: $350.00
Aztec Mauser Pistol
A collector’s item for sure, this pistol looks as if it belongs in some catacombs.
Cost: $700.00
Factory Finish Mauser Pistol
Fully automatic German pistol. Chambers some very powerful ammunition, and a lot of it. Hold the trigger for rapid fire.
Cost: $250.00
Gunslinger Mauser Pistol
This ain’t your average farmhand’s pistol. (RDR1 Mauser Pistol, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
A special pistol formerly belonging to a German gunslinger.
Cost: $600.00
Dutch’s Semi-Automatic Pistol
You may be unable to fight gravity, but with this pistol you may not need to. (RDR1 Semi-automatic Pistol, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $300.00
Factory Finish Semi-Automatic Pistol
Revolutionary new German pistol. Can fire in rapid succession, though it kicks like a mule.
Cost: $210.00
A pistol named after an old marching song, belonging to a great German musician.
Cost: $537.00
– M1899 PISTOLS –
Factory Finish M1899 Pistol
A semi-automatic handgun, the M1899 has good power at short range, and its magazine-loaded ammunition allows for a swift reload.
Cost: $350.00
High Power Pistol
This pistol is a gift from one bad man to another. It certainly won’t let you down. (RDR1 High Power Pistol.)
Cost: $425.00
Sam’s M1899 Pistol
If looks could kill, this pistol’s beauty could clear a gang hideout in seconds.
Cost: $450.00
Charles’ Sawed-Off Shotgun
Charles Smith’s Sawed-Off shotgun, though for a man of his strength they’re practically peashooters.
Cost: $150.00
Factory Finish Sawed-Off Shotgun
Compact shotgun. Shorter barrel gives wider spread but cuts down on range. Double tap the trigger to fire both barrels.
Cost: $85.00
Gunslinger Sawed-Off Shotgun
A classic feared by all who know the name “John Marston”. (RDR1 Sawed-Off Shotgun, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $150.00
Gunter’s Sawed-Off Shotgun
A Sawed-Off Shotgun belonging to the legendary gunfighter Gunter Severloh.
Cost: $105.00
Joe’s Sawed-Off Shotgun
A gold-plated sawed-off shotgun belonging to a violent paranoid man.
Cost: $175.00
Miss Murphy’s Sawed-Off Shotgun
An old military shotgun, now used as Miss Murphy’s personal weapon, you didn’t get this from me… [NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE MURFREE BROOD]
Cost: $150.00
Moonshiner Sawed-Off Shotgun
Just holding this thing is liable to give you alcohol poisoning of some sort.
Cost: $325.00
Cleet’s Carbine Repeater
A good repeater if you want to just camp and take cheap pot-shots at enemies while your friends do all the actual work.
Cost: $100.00
Factory Finish Carbine Repeater
A reliable and popular repeating rifle, the Buck Carbine provides medium power and a decent firing rate, with quick reload speeds thanks to the tube-loaded magazine in the weapon’s stock.
Cost: $90.00
Golden Carbine Repeater
“This is a fine weapon.” – John Marston
Cost: $750.00
Gunslinger Carbine Repeater
Perfect tool for defending your farm from bandits, coyotes, or rabbits. (RDR1 Carbine Repeater)
Cost: $115.00
Sadie’s Carbine Repeater
Just holding this rifle gives you a weirdly excessive thirst for blood.
Cost: $150.00
Sean’s Carbine Repeater
Seeing triple or not, you’ll be able to hit a good shot or two with this gun.
Cost: $120.00
Collector Lancaster Repeater
A Lancaster with a rare wrap applied to it, definitely a must-have for completionists.
Cost: $400.00
Factory Finish Lancaster Repeater
Versatile repeating rifle from a long line of lever action weapons. Good power, range and ammunition capacity.
Cost: $135.00
Joe’s Lancaster Repeater
Such a beautiful repeater belonging to such an ugly man.
Cost: $150.00
John’s Winchester Repeater
“YOU EAT BABIES!” – John Marston
Cost: $350.00
Gunslinger Winchester Repeater
A popular weapon for many would-be, wannabe, and current gunslingers, it’s a gun deserving of its infamy. (RDR1 Winchester Repeater, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $350.00
Sam’s Lancaster Repeater
A repeater perfect for midnight strolls into an active firefight.
Cost: $205.00
The Oppressor
The perfect tool for any would-be bounty hunter.
Cost: $350.00
Arthur’s Litchfield Repeater
Y’know, I don’t think having gang member signatures all over the stock is a good idea, but it’s not like anyone who gets close enough to read it is going to live long enough to remember any of the names on it.
Cost: $315.00
Factory Finish Litchfield Repeater
Despite a slower fire rate and reload speed, the Litchfield excels at medium range combat; perfect when needing to clear an area.
Cost: $145.00
Gunslinger Henry Repeater
A very powerful rifle, the weapon of choice for many rebels. (RDR1 Evans Repeater.)
Cost: $175.00
Gunter’s Litchfield Repeater
A Litchfield Repeater belonging to the legendary gunfighter Gunter Severloh.
Cost: $350.00
Silas’ Litchfield Repeater
A slow-firing gun perfect for those who desperately need to pace themselves in combat.
Cost: $205.00
Davey’s Evans Repeater
This repeater may have not been able to save Davey from the pinkertons, but it may be able to save you in a close call or two.
Cost: $500.00
Factory Finish Evans Repeater
Very high capacity repeating rifle. Though only medium powered, its unique corkscrew feed makes loading faster.
Cost: $140.00
Gunslinger Evans Revolver
A commodity of a repeater in these parts, you’ll probably end up killing all your enemies before even needing to reload. (RDR1 Evans Repeater, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $250.00
Javier’s Evans Repeater
An Evans Repeater belonging to a cynic who desperately wanted to be a romantic.
Cost: $500.00
Winter Evans Repeater
You could consider anyone shot by this rifle to be frostbitten.
Cost: $500.00
Davey’s Springfield Rifle
A mean rifle for a mean man.
Cost: $300.00
Factory Finish Springfield Rifle
Indian Wars era military rifle. Powerful and accurate, but slow to fire and only holds a few rounds.
Cost: $120.00
Gunslinger Springfield Rifle
A powerful rifle, custom-made to deliver bullets directly to your enemies’ heads. (RDR1 Springfield Rifle, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $150.00
Pearson’s Springfield Rifle
An old rifle provided by the U.S. Navy, it’s in notably better condition than his revolver.
Cost: $156.00
Bill’s Bolt Action Rifle
Army-issued Bolt-Action Rifle. Kept in great condition despite the circumstances.
Cost: $400.00
Factory Finish Bolt Action Rifle
Contemporary military rifle. High powered and very accurate. Bolt-action makes it easier to fire, cycle, and load.
Cost: $180.00
Graveyard Bolt Action Rifle
A rifle decorated with firm reminders of what its victims will be soon, nothing but dead.
Cost: $500.00
Gunslinger Bolt Action Rifle
Great tool for hunting animals, but also great in combat as well. (RDR1 Bolt-Action Rifle, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $375.00
Mac’s Bolt Action Rifle
An even meaner rifle for an even meaner man.
Cost: $375.00
Skippy’s Bolt Action Rifle
Won in a bet and personalized as her favorite weapon, ..its original owner just wishes it wasn’t promptly given to the fence once another bet was lost.
Cost: $492.00
Factory Finish Varmint Rifle
The quick-firing Lancaster Varmint Rifle is designed for hunting small mammals and large birds, using a special low-caliber type of ammunition with reduced damage. However, the large ammo capacity and fast fire rate make this an effective weapon against large groups of enemies.
Cost: $72.00
Fauna’s Varmint Rifle
Who knows why a woman of such high social standing has this in her possession, but you’d rather not find out.
Cost: $100.00
Naturalist Varmint Rifle
Finally, a way to acquire this special rifle variant without having to risk getting the victorian-era equivalent of pepper sprayed.
Cost: $150.00
Bounty Hunter Carcano Rifle
Flashy and dangerous, all from a distance.
Cost: $600.00
Explosive Rifle
Experimental large caliber rifle designed to destroy vehicles. Chambers a very powerful explosive round. (RDR1 Explosive Rifle, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $5,000.00
Factory Finish Carcano Rifle
Bolt-action rifle with a telescopic sight. Powerful and precise. Holds a few rounds in the magazine.
Cost: $190.00
Gunslinger Carcano Rifle
A perfect tool for sniping an enemy gang or for killing old friends. (RDR1 Carcano Rifle, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $225.00
Sadie’s Carcano Rifle
Usually Sadie gives this to someone else to have them cover her while she charges in to fight, not necessarily a good idea, but hey.
Cost: $475.00
Skip’s Carcano Rifle
A legendary rifle previously owned by a great engineer.
Cost: $600.00
Skipper’s Carcano Rifle
Acquired from a dead soldier, and used by its previous owner for many a year, she still hasn’t realized her sister also bet it to the fence.
Cost: $600.00
Buffalo Rifle
Very high powered hunting rifle. Only holds one bullet, so make every shot count. (RDR1 Buffalo Rifle, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $450.00
Factory Finish Rolling Block Rifle
The Litchfield Rolling Block is a powerful long scoped rifle, designed for long-range combat. With multiple telescopic sights available in different zoom levels, a sharpshooter can eliminate a target from afar and gain the element of surprise.
Cost: $187.00
Gunslinger Rolling Block Rifle
A powerful rifle that excels in turning humans into corpses. (RDR1 Rolling Block Rifle.)
Cost: $211.00
Hosea’s Rolling Block Rifle
Whether you’re hunting elephants, giant bears, or even more giant gators, this rifle will ensure whatever you shoot stays dead.
Cost: $311.00
Lenny’s Rolling Block Rifle
A big gun with a kick for a kid eager to prove himself.
Cost: $250.00
Reaper Rolling Block Rifle
A definite must for those who wish to be seen as reapers of the west, if tuberculosis or cholera doesn’t put someone six feet under, this gun will.
Cost: $325.00
Arthur’s Double-Barreled Shotgun
An old souvenir from a gang hideout long-since-massacred, this shotgun is more than capable of clearing hideouts within minutes.
Cost: $185.00
Factory Finish Double-Barreled Shotgun
Fires a spread of pellets, making it great for moving targets. Double tap the trigger to fire both barrels.
Cost: $95.00
Gunslinger Double-Barreled Shotgun
Two shells, two shots, hopefully two kills. Where this shotgun fails in accuracy it excels in raw brutality. (RDR1 Double-Barreled Shotgun, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $150.00
Joe’s Double-Barreled Shotgun
A loud, obnoxious gun for a silent, obnoxious man.
Cost: $150.00
Krampus Double-Barreled Shotgun
Naughty or nice, everyone’s getting two shells for Christmas.
Cost: $325.00
Miss Murphy’s Double-Barreled Shotgun
A trusty bar owner’s personal tool of persuasion, it talks measures once pointed. [NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE MURFREE BROOD]
Cost: $450.00
Sean’s Double-Barreled Shotgun
Nothing feels wrong with this gun, and you didn’t need me to tell you that.
Cost: $150.00
Uncle’s Double-Barreled Shotgun
The laziest possible option in terms of firearms, and of course Uncle picks it out.
Cost: $200.00
Factory Finish Semi-auto Shotgun
The Brun Et Fabre Semi-Auto packs both power and speed into one shotgun. Featuring a high rate of fire, quick reloads, and adequate magazine size, this shotgun is perfect for short-range combat against multiple targets.
Cost: $225.00
Gunslinger Semi-auto Shotgun
A powerful modern marvel made to maximize efficiency when it comes to murder. (RDR1 Semi-auto Shotgun, cost reflects the price from the original game as well.)
Cost: $250.00
Hosea’s Semi-auto Shotgun
Good for hunting birds, great for hunting people.
Cost: $255.00
Mac’s Semi-auto Shotgun
If the appearance alone isn’t enough proof of this shotgun being unfriendly, maybe it’s barrel being pointed at you is enough evidence.
Cost: $350.00
Factory Finish Repeating Shotgun
The Lancaster Repeating Shotgun is a well-rounded gun that uses the same lever-action system commonly found on repeating rifles. The large ammo capacity gives the shooter the luxury of accuracy while maintaining the power ideal for close-quarter encounters.
Cost: $185.00
Gunter’s Repeating Shotgun
A repeating shotgun belonging to the legendary gunfighter Gunter Severloh.
Cost: $250.00
Jenny’s Repeating shotgun
A lever-action repeating shotgun formerly belonging to Jenny Kirk.
Cost: $234.00
Lenny’s Repeating Shotgun
A perfect shotgun for robbing any kind of bank or stagecoach.
Cost: $285.00
Charles’ Elephant Rifle
A big rifle made to ensure a single shot could kill something fifty times over.
Cost: $620.00
Factory Finish Elephant Rifle
The Elephant Gun Rifle from Mühlberg is a marvel of manufacturing and has been likened to holding a cannon, boasting a higher stopping power than nearly every other gun you could carry.
Cost: $580.00
Bill’s Pump-Action Shotgun
In case you get too drunk to aim properly, anything in the general direction you point this thing at will be nothing more than a red mist.
Cost: $230.00
Grimshaw’s Pump-Action Shotgun
The best possible tool for enforcing loyalty within your camp.
Cost: $266.00
Gunslinger Pump-Action Shotgun
Make the pavement your canvas as you paint people’s brains all over it with this special shotgun. (RDR1 Pump-Action Shotgun.)
Cost: $170.00
Factory Finish Pump-Action Shotgun
The high-powered Lancaster Pump Shotgun has a large ammo capacity and quick reload capacities. Despite average accuracy, this gun will hold true should you find yourself confronted by wild beast or man in close combat.
Cost: $148.00
Trader Pump-Action Shotgun
A pump-action shotgun with a unique wrap often used by traders to help identify each other. Unfortunately, outlaws caught onto that and now they use it too.
Cost: $300.00
Spider Pump-Action Shotgun
Spin a web of gore all over the nearest wall with this special pump-action shotgun.
Cost: $350.00
– BOWS –
Charles’ Bow
The quietest way to kill someone from far away, worn but absolutely effective.
Cost: $124.00
Alligator Bow
Fashioned from the jaws of a gator, this bow is perfect to strike fear into anyone living south of Roanoke Ridge.
Cost: $300.00
Factory Finish Bow
A standard wooden bow that can be used with a variety of arrow types.
Cost: $275.00
Horned Bow
Whether you’re failing to fit in with the Night Folk or failing to fit in with the Skinner Brothers, this bow will at least look very nice as you use it to send arrows directly into the skulls of the aforementioned gangs.
Jaguar Bow
Show dominance over the Panthers and other big cats roaming the terrain with this bow made from the hide of one of their brethren.
Wooden Inlay Bow
An old bow formerly belonging to a Wapitian archer, it’s been passed around from person to person until it finally is in your arms.
Cost: $320.00
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