Eclipse – Standalone EM Weapon Set V1.1

Eclipse - Standalone EM Weapon Set V1.1

Standalone fully-auto EM Weapon Set with Legendary and random quality recipes. Craftable at the Industrial Workbench for 1 iron.

Full-auto EM machinegun? Sure, why not.
I got a little tired of the EM choices being essentially lame and didn’t find much available to alleviate that personal taste issue… so I made my own.

This mod requires Plugins.txt Enabler and has very specific instructions in the description there on its own requirements, and how to use itself. If you don’t know how to install and use ESM files, I suggest reading those instructions.

If you want to use the testfile load instead… don’t. Just don’t. If you do it anyway, well, I tried.

Use a Mod manager. Really. If not, then see requirements above.

Starfield does not officially support loading custom ESP/ESL/ESM plugin files. Files created outside of Bethesda’s editor may be broken in subtle ways. Use with caution.



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zip Eclipse (Standalone EM Weapons)-1-1 2 KB
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