Better Explosives – An Explosive Overhaul V1.0.2

Better Explosives - An Explosive Overhaul V1.0.2

Better Explosives(The Fallout 4 Original!) is an overhaul mod for Starfields Explosives! Making them more effective, deadlier and more satisfying to use!

Jimmy walked along the street, a big pack of angry pirates appeared! He was afraid, because he was all alone.
He ran, as fast as he could and took cover, as he should.
Jimmy checked his gear, as the pirates drew near.
His ammo was empty and all hope was gone.
He felt to his knees,
a grenade!
He would throw it,
as his father him taught.
“Now I will arise!”, he thought.
He pulled the safety pin,
to the pirates’ surprise.
The pirates screamed, GRENADE!
but it was already too late.
He threw the pin and not the ‘nade,
oh Jimmy, what an unfortunate fate.

What is “Better Explosives”
Have you ever felt that explosives aren’t worth using? Better Explosives aims to enhance your experience with explosives, grenades, mines, missile launchers, and explosive objects placed throughout the world, ready for you to shoot and detonate.
Many explosives have been buffed, because as NPC health scales very high, the vanilla explosives become quite useless.

What has been changed?

Grenade and Mine damage has been greatly increased.
Impact Grenades deal less damage than grenades which are timer based.
The damage dealt by Explosive Objects that you encounter in the world have also been greatly increased.
Damaging Effects like hazard damage from Incendiary Grenades and Mines now also deal significant more damage.
Cryo Containers now have a separate effect and deal now freezing damage. Shooting a bigger Cryo Tank will now cause a longer and stronger slow. (Before that, everything used the Cryo Mine slow effect)
More changes will follow and feedback, suggestions are always welcome
Example Numbers
Fragmentation Grenade/Mine – from 101 to 400
Impact Grenade – from 101 to 250
Shrapnel Grenade – from 50 + 21 damage over 7 seconds to 125 + 100 over 20 seconds
Particle Grenade – from 60 + 60 Energy to 250+ 250 Energy

What you can expect from this mod
Explosives are dangerous for your enemies and YOURSELF!
When someone throws a grenade at you, it’s best to evade!
When you try to catch a grenade, you will regret it.
When you throw a good grenade, you can be sure, it will hurt ’em a lot and at least something is dead.
Using explosives in close range combat, is dangerous.

You can install/update/uninstall this mod at any time.
Removing mods from a save, is never advised.
The ESM is ESL flagged.

Better Mines

Mines you throw, don’t have the same explosion time, as the ones you trigger when found in the world. Here is a gif to show the difference between vanilla and Better Mines.


Better Explosives - An Explosive Overhaul V1.0.2


Better Explosives - An Explosive Overhaul V1.0.2



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zip Better Explosives-1-0-2 5 KB
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